Contact: leonorjurado@gmail.com 

Leonor is a visual artist and a university teacher. She holds a B.A from University of Missouri, Kansas City and an M.F.A in Photography and Fibers from University of Missouri, Columbia in the United States, where she lived for 17 years. She has developed an academic career as a teacher and has exhibited, individually and collectively, in different parts of the United States and Ecuador. She has given workshops and talks about photography, its history and its techniques. Her work explores the photographic object using alternative materials and processes which address issues of precariousness and vulnerability in relationship to the body and nature. She currently resides between Quito and Los Angeles, California.


    • Iteration of To Bough and To Bend, group show. Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, USA. https://arts.pepperdine.edu/museum/2022-2023/to-bough-and-to-bend.htm (November 2022 – March-2023)                        
    • Subject-Object, Griffiths Art Center, Saint Lawrence University, Canton, New York, USA. http://subject-object.info/ https://www.stlawu.edu/news/sarah-knobel-curates-subject-object-art-exhibit (January 19 – February 26, 2022)
    • Feria de Arte, group show. Galería N24. Quito, Ecuador. https://n24galeria.com/project/leonor-jurado/ (December 11-21, 2019)
    • Especial de Navidad y Año Nuevo, group show, No Lugar Gallery, Quito, Ecuador. https://nolugar.org/2018/12/09/especial-de-navidad/ (December 13-28, 2018)
    • Ordinaria, group show curated by La Suerte & Recodo.sx, Arte Actual Gallery, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador. http://recodo.sx/espacio-lo-ordinario-cronica-la-muestra/ (November 8-30, 2018)
    • Make of It What You Will, group show, Muzeumm Gallery, Los Angeles, CA. USA https://artillerymag.com/events/make-of-it-what-you-will/ (July, 26, 2018)
    • Ciudad Transferida (co-authored with Eduardo Valenzuela) for Mapear no es Habitar, Cuarto Encuentro Iberoamericano de Trabajo, Arte y Economía, Quito. Galería Arte Actual, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador. https://issuu.com/arteactualflacso/docs/libro_4eiate_-_pdf_web/28 (October, 2016)
    • “Arterial Echoes: Three Generations of Creative Mentoring UMKC Gallery of Art. Kansas City, MO.  https://info.umkc.edu/gallery/2016/08/18/arterial-echoes-three-generations-of-creative-mentoring/  (September 8 – October 28, 2016)
    • Fotómetro, Museo de la Ciudad/Fundación Museos. Quito, Ecuador. Group show, Museo de la Ciudad/Fundación Museos. Quito, Ecuador. https://www.eluniverso.com/vida-estilo/2016/05/01/nota/5553111/muestra-capitalina-se-habla-fotoperiodismo/ (May 5-June 19, 2016)
    • XV Panorámica (Panorámica is a serie of visits to artists spaces created by María Ozcoide Moreno). Quito, Ecuador. http://panoramicaquito.blogspot.com (July 25, 2015)
    • SIE7ES FLATFILES García Squared Contemporary, Kansas City, MO. USA, (Feb. 7-March 22, 2014)
    • Perma-F(r)ail, group show. The Howard Art, Dorchester, MA. https://howardartproject.wordpress.com/2014/07/13/perma-frail-personae-documents/?fbclid=IwAR26uMW98n-B6ZF75EvYlLogH9HRonTQZXlYzDvHLng6qW6iqlyaM0hzNhk (July 25-August 15, 2014)
    • “Leonor Jurado”, solo show. García Squared Contemporary, Kansas City, MO. USA. (Feb´1-March, 29, 2013)
    • Desarraigo, solo show. Centro Cultural Benjamín Carrión, Quito, Ecuador. https://es.slideshare.net/secretariadeculturamdmq/qulturas-agosto-2011. (August-Sept 1, 2011)
    • “On Spirituality: Emerging Visions of the Spiritual” group show at Marshall University, Gallery 842, Huntington, West Virginia. https://www.herald-dispatch.com/news/recent_news/new-gallery-842-show-on-spirituality-up-on-friday-jan-21/article_554cf539-dd6d-596d-93a6-2158fc9918c1.html (Jan´21-Feb´ 19, 2011)
    • “Beyond the Resume”, group show. Foundry Art Centre- St. Charles, Missouri. (2010)
    • “Unrooted”, solo show. George Caleb Bingham Gallery, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
    • “Happy Medium” MFA Graduates Group Show, George Caleb Bingham Gallery, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. (2009)
    • NAGAS – North American Graduate Art Survey”, group show. Katherine E. Nash Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. USA. (2009)
    • “WINTER SUN: Festival of New Arts and Tradition”, group show. Ukrainian Institute of America, New York, NY. USA. (curated by Svitlana Matviyenko) (2008)
    • “Self-Portraits”, solo show. Craft Studio Gallery, University of Missouri, Columbia. MO. (2008)
    • “Naturalezas Muertas”, two person-show. Craft Studio Gallery, University of Missouri, Columbia. MO. (2008)
    • “Nineteenth Annual Missouri Top 50 Competition”, group Show, Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, MO. (2008)
    • [Im]mediate: The Politics of Time, group show. True/False Film Festival, Columbia, MO. (curated by Jj Higgins). (Feb, 2008)
    • “Exchange” MFA Graduates, group show. George Caleb Bingham Gallery, Universityof Missouri, Columbia, MO. (2007)
    • “La Lotería”, group show. Mattie Rhodes Art Gallery, Kansas City, MO. (2006)




History of Cyanotypes, lecture for Professor Sarah Knobel´s photography classes at St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York, USA. November, 30th, 2020 


Política y Fragilidad de la Imagen: El arte de Leonor Jurado. ENITBAR XIII (Encuentro Internacional de Teatro de Barranquilla en el Atlántico y la region Caribe. Casa Teatro Cofradía, Barranquilla, Colombia. *via Skypehttp://www.argus-a.com.ar/publicacion/1446-enitbar-barranquilla-respira-teatro-en- septiembre.html

Usos Alternativos de la Imagen: post fotografía y objeto fotográfico. Auditorio César Dávila, Universidad Estatal de Cuenca. Cuenca, Ecuador


Radial VIII – El cuerpo precario: Experimentos fotográficos de Leonor Jurado, Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador https://www.quitocultura.info/event/radial-viii-escala-en-quito/


Fotómetro: Saber y Pensar la Fotografía, Museo de la Ciudad. Quito, Ecuador. https://www.quitocultura.info/event/fotometro-llega-al-museo-de-la-ciudad/2015                                     

Women´s letters, Workshop on violence against women and participation in Performance in conjunction with De Tu Puño y Letra by Suzanne Lacy. Universidad de las Américas, Quito, Ecuador.http://www.udla.edu.ec/2015/11/06/una-voz-para-quienes-viven-en-silencio/

Pinhole Camera Workshop. Summer Academy 2015. Universidad de las Americas. Quito, Ecuador. https://www.udla.edu.ec/internacional/cursos- internacionalidad/communication-summer-academy/academia-de-comunicacion/


Panel: Perceptions of Reality (a conversation with Lara Shipley and Ahram Park) Photo Forum at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Kansas City. MO.


Alt. Lecture 2, with Nick Olson Galería Paragraph, Kansas City, MO. http://alternativelecturekc.tumblr.com/

Pinhole Camera Workshop. Partnership with UMKC and Nelson Atkins Museum of Art. Kansas City, MO.


Photo Scholars: Leonor Jurado, (Workshop: Alchemy, Magic and Metaphor). Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Kansas City. MO.


Regional SPE Time for Light: On Photography and Other Facts of Life (Panel: Carlos Diaz, Richard Gray, Elijah Gowin & Jon Yamashiro), Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.

Women and The Politics of Possibilities, Montgomery College, Washington DC.


Lecture Series. George Caleb Bingham Gallery. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. May 8, 2009


“The Body and Photography: Examinations on the Being” – The Body Project: Anatomy, Relationships, and Representations” April 11, 2008, English Department and the Center for Arts and Humanities. University of Missouri-Columbia, MO. 



2008- 2009 Hazel Steele Burney Endowment. Department of Art, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
2007- 2008 Ann Stevens Hoffman Memorial Scholarship. Department of Art University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. USA.






    • Annie Raab: “Windows between Realities, the works of Leonor Jurado. http://annieraab.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/windows-between-realities-the- photograph-works-of-leonor-jurado-laspina/ Kansas City, MO.
    • Adam Finkelston: “Featured Artist For Issue #2- Leonor Jurado. The Hand: A magazine for reproduction based art. https://thehandmagazine.net/2013/08/24/featured-artist-for-issue-2-leonor- jurado